Monday, May 4, 2015

Goodbye again

Yep, Gina's license was approved!  I couldn't completely believe the e-mail after all these months of checking, so I just had to check the state website where I can dig around and find all licensed family.  Yep, it was true.  We got the news after bedtimes, so we told the kids the morning she was leaving.  The reactions of Cricket and Rhinoceros were simultaneous: one of joy, one of sorrow.  Poor Rhinoceros.  He's going to need some cheering up this week having lost his best friend a second time.  But, as one of my friends gave me perspective, some amount of loss is normal and not unhealthy for kids.  They move, they change daycares, they move nursery rooms, friends move.  His will be a bit more intense, but we'll get through this.  I'm looking to spoil him a bit this week, though.  He got a Build-a-Bear gift certificate from a drawing, so we'll be making our first ever trip there.

Cricket was thrilled, but still asked when I was going to pick her up from Granny's house, and I had to remind her that if I did come to pick her up, it would be just to play together, then she would go right back to Granny's house.  It'll take time to sink in.  Gina suggested we have her stay over here on a weekend at some point, but the therapist had cautioned against that as it would confuse her on where her home was.  We'll let her settle in again and figure it out later.

And as for me?  It was simply cathartic to finally see that license happen.  And even better, Gina hadn't gotten the news yet when I called her to plan the move, and so I told her.  Her response was so full of joy and relief that it just washed away any doubt that this was not a good move.  These weren't doubts from anything Gina had done or anything, but from Caterpillar's relative backing out after his move.  She is fostering Cricket because she loves her granddaughter and wants her granddaughter to benefit from having her sister with her, but it's clear she also truly loves Cricket as well.  So, I'm feeling mostly positive emotions right now, besides concern for how the boys are doing.  And I'm grateful.  I'm grateful we got to love her and know her, I'm grateful she has other people who love her, and I'm grateful we learned so much in the process.

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